1. Rikki-tikki is thank that Teddy's family took him in after the flood.
2. He executed the eggs with the goal that new cobras would not be destined to hurt Teddy's family.
3. a.murdered a destructive darker snakeling named korait.
b.Rikki-tikki persistently holds on to assault the clueless cobra and winds up executing Nag during an awful battle.
c.Rikki-tikki follows Nagaina into her tunnel and murders her during a troublesome battle
Step-by-step explanation:
A mongoose named Rikki-tikki-tavi appears on the doorstep of an English family's home in Segowlee after a serious flood, and the family safeguards him. Rikki-tikki turns into their pet mongoose, and he continues to check out the nursery, where he meets the two threatening cobras named Nag and Nagaina. Rikki-tikki barely maintains a strategic distance from Nagaina's sneak assault and winds up rapidly murdering a destructive darker snakeling named Karait. Soon thereafter, Chuchundra educates Rikki-tikki that Nag anticipates gnawing Teddy's dad when he goes to the washroom. Rikki-tikki persistently holds on to assault the clueless cobra and winds up executing Nag during an awful battle.
The following morning, Rikki-tikki petitions Darzee for help vanquishing Nagaina, and Darzee's significant other fakes a messed up wing, which occupies Nagaina long enough for Rikki-tikki to demolish almost every egg in her home. Nagaina then takes steps to strike Teddy, and Rikki-tikki continues to show the cobra her final egg to stop her assault. This gives Teddy's dad sufficient opportunity to pull his child to wellbeing as Nagaina races off with her last egg. Rikki-tikki follows Nagaina into her tunnel and murders her during a troublesome battle. Rikki-tikki effectively crushes the two cobras, and the nursery is reestablished to a quiet, quiet condition.