The Department of Transportation is responsible for planning, building, and maintaining roads in Georgia.
The Secretary of State is responsible for overseeing elections.
The Department of Agriculture is responsible for planting and harvesting crops.
Step-by-step explanation:
The executive branch consists of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and other statewide elected officials and agencies serving under the Governor. The Governor is the chief executive of the state of Georgia. Like the President, he or she is limited to two four-year terms.
Each district is responsible for the planning, design, construction and maintenance of the state and federal highways in their region.
Georgia Department of Transportation.
Duties in most states
The most common, and arguably the most important, function held by secretaries of state is to serve as the state's chief elections official (although many states also have supervisors of elections, which are usually county elected officials).
United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service ... Most of the crop is used as the main energy ingredient in livestock feed. ... own crop planting decisions based on the most profitable crop for a given year, ... ethanol production, which now accounts for nearly 40 percent of total corn use.