1)-The owners of Leading Edge
Climbing Equipment have the
following options for order entry
and transaction processing
Developing Software In-House:
• Companies choose in-house
development to satisfy unique
business requirements.
• It meets the constraints of
existing systems and also satisfies
unique security requirements.
Purchasing a software package:
• A Software package is obtained
from a vendor or application
service provider
• Purchasing a software package
lowers the cost
• It has proven reliability and
performance benchmarks.
2)- If the owner decides to purchase or
customize a Software Package, the
following steps are taken:
1. Evaluation of the requirements
of information system
2. Identifying potential vendors and
outsourcing providers
3. Evaluation of different
4. Performing cost-benefit analysis
5. Preparing recommendation
Evaluation of the requirements of
information system:
• This involves identifying the key
features in the system
requirements that have been
analyzed. An overall specification
for the system is developed.
• All network and web-related
issues are to be considered.
Decision regarding whether the
software must be run on internet
or intranet is to be analyzed.
• A request for proposal or
quotation is to be prepared.
Identifying potential vendors and
outsourcing providers:
• The potential vendors and
outsourcing providers for the
software are identified.
• The search can be conducting
using Internet
Evaluation of different
• Among the several alternatives,
one alternative is chosen that best
serves the company's needs.
• Vendor presentation, product
documentation, trade publications,
etc helps in taking the decision.
Performing cost-benefit analysis:
• A cost benefit analysis is
performed to evaluate the
• All the costs must be included
while calculating TCO.
Preparing recommendation:
• Prepare a recommendation that
evaluates the alternatives, together
with the costs , benefits,
advantages and disadvantages.
Implementing the solution:
• Implement the solution depends
on the alternative selected.
• In-house or outsourcing options
can be selected.
• Complete all the implementation
steps such as loading, configuring,
and testing the software, training
users etc. before the software
becomes operational.
3)-Following are the differences
between logical and physical
Logical design:
•The logical design of the information system
helps in defining the features and functions of the system.
•Logical design is not concerned about the way in which the tasks are accomplished.
•The method of implementation is not addressed by the logical design.
Physical design:
•The Physical design of the information system helps in defining the way in which
tasks are accomplished.
•Physical design is concerned about the way in which the tasks are accomplished.
•The method of implementation is addressed by the physical design.
4)- The steps typically performed in
system design are as follows:
• In this phase the system
designing is done to define the
architecture of the system that
fulfills the requirements
documented in the analysis phase.
• The aim of the design phase is to
understand inputs, outputs and
• It ensures the reliability, accuracy,
maintainability and security of the
• At the end of the phase the
System Design specification is
presented to users and
management for review and for
Step-by-step explanation: