The correct answer is Macedonia; Greece
Located within the mountainous Balkan peninsula, Macedonia is bordered by Serbia (northwest), Bulgaria (east), Greece (south) and Albania (west), its territory has no outlet to the sea.
Macedonia is one of the former republics of Yugoslavia, whose independence was obtained on September 17, 1991. The independence process took place peacefully, unlike other countries in that region. Bulgaria was the first country to recognize Macedonia as an independent nation. However, Greece was totally against this process due to the use of the name and symbol of the flag used, since Greece has a province called Macedonia.
When we speak of Ancient Greece, we are not referring to a unified country. In fact, they were a group of cities that shared language, customs and some laws. However, many of them were even enemies with each other as was the case with Athens and Sparta.
In any case, in the Classical Period, the Greeks sought to cultivate beauty and virtue by developing the art of music, painting, architecture, sculpture, etc.
In this way, they believed that citizens would be able to contribute to the common good. Thus, democracy was launched.