The difference is approxiametly 8
Things need to know
Whole number = Number on the left side of the mixed fraction
Numerator = Number on top of fraction
Denominator = Number on bottom of fraction
How to convert mixed numbers into improper fractions = Multiply denominator by whole number and then add that to the numerator
How to turn improper factions into decimals = Divide numerator by denominator
Improper fraction = A fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator
Mixed fraction = A whole number and a proper fraction mixed together
For the first mixed number:

9 = whole number
52 = numerator
69 = denominator
For the second mixed number:

1 = whole number
29 = numerator
50 = denominator

Convert mixed numbers into improper fractions

Turn improper factions into decimals

Round both numbers to the nearest whole number

Subtract 2 from 10

Answer: 8