print('This program will help you determine whether you\'ve budgeted enough ' +
'for your expenses. You\'ll just need to enter your budget and the ' +
'cost of each of your expenses for the month and we will calculate ' +
'the balance.')
budget = float(input('How much have you budgeted this month? '))
expenses = 0
check = 0
while check >= 0:
check = float(input('Enter an expense amount or -1 to quit: '))
if check != -1:
expenses += check
balance = budget - expenses
if balance < 0:
print('\\You haven\'t budgeted enough. You\'re going to be $', \
format(-1 * balance, ',.2f'), ' short this month.', sep = '')
elif balance == 0:
print('\\Be careful. You\'ve budgeted just enough to make it through ' +
'the month.')
print('\\You will have $', format(balance, ',.2f'), ' extra this month.', \
sep = '')