The Four Factors affecting Population growth are namely;
- Birth rate
- Death rate
- Immigration
- Emigration
Step-by-step explanation:
1)Birth-rate: Also known as natality, is the number of individuals that are added to a population over a period of time due to reproduction. This term is often used to describe reproductive rates over a variety of time is also the number of individuals born per 1,000 individuals per year
2)Death rate: Also known as mortality rate,it is number of individual death over a given period of is also the number of individuals that die per 1,000 individuals per year.
3)Immigration:is the migration of an individual into a place. When an individual immigrates to a new location, they increase the population within that area.
4)Emigration:Emigration is the relocation of people from one country to reside in another. People emigrate for many reasons, include increasing one's chance of employment or improving quality of life.