- When he became king , this led to a hatred of the
nobility and it also led to the move of the capitol of
France to near by Versailles. Hatred of the nobility
led him to keep them under a very watchful eye and
to try to keep them out of his government.
- After the childhood scar of the Streltsy revolt Peter the Great wanted to move the capitol of Russia to a new city. He didnt want to move it in to an existing city, he decided to build a new one called
St. Petersburg.
- They both had different goals peter's was to bring Rassia to the a new age and Louis's was to destroy the hapsburgs power in europe.
- Louis was a very powerful ruler because he was
able to collect taxes without having to call the
French Estates General.
- Louis XIV was 4 when he took the throne and Peter the great was 9 when he took the throne.
- Peter set a goal to focus on bringing into the new age since they were so behind nations in europe.
- Louis the XIV greatly expanded the French army,
a necessity because he was at war for 33 year
Step-by-step explanation: