You are now ready to complete and turn in your lesson assignment. You may either put your assignment into one document or create a Powerpoint for the assignment. Refer to the orientation unit for specific guidelines for submitting Powerpoints. Follow your teacher's instructions to submit this assignment, and be sure to document your sources. In your assignment, please include all of these parts: Design a political campaign for Andrew Jackson. Include biographical facts about him as well as photographs. Use the key words, “Andrew Jackson’s biography” to find out about him on the Internet. Include his eduction, military history, quotations from his speeches, and his views on the major issues with which he had to deal. Be persuasive! Make a timeline of all the Presidents from George Washington to John Tyler. Research and tell about the legend of the Cherokee Rose. Use the key words “Cherokee Rose” and “The Trail of Tears” to get information. Please include pictures of the Cherokee Rose.