The ordered pair not satisfy all of the constraints of the problem
see the explanation
x ---> represents the hours John spends mowing
y ---> represents the hours John spends at the bakery
we know that
He can work at most 52 hours per week during the summer
The word "at most" means "less than or equal to"
----> inequality A
He needs to make at least $600 per week to cover his living expenses.
The word "at least" means "greater than or equal to"
----> inequality B
If John works 14 hours mowing and 30 hours at bakery
substitute the value of x and y in both inequalities
Remember that
If a ordered pair is a solution of the system of inequalities, then the ordered pair must satisfy both inequalities
we have the ordered pair (14,30)
Verify inequality A

---> is true
The ordered pair satisfy the inequality A
Verify inequality B

----> is not true
The ordered pair not satisfy the inequality B
The ordered pair is not a solution of the system of inequalities
The ordered pair not satisfy all of the constraints of the problem