The major alternative staffing approaches for international operations are
- Ethnocentric Approach
- Polycentric Approach
- Geocentric Approach
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Ethnocentric staffing means you hire management that is the same nationality as the parent company
The alignment of interests and perspective of the home office with all foreign subsidiaries abroad. Communication is also easier because there should be no language and cultural barriers.
2. Polycentric companies hire management employees from the host country.
The morale of the local staff increases. Better productivity due to better knowledge about the host market. The career opportunities for the nationals of the host country increases. Better government support.
3. Geocentric staffing is used by businesses and other organizations that have a completely integrated global strategy. Staffing is undertaken on a global level and the best person for the job is hired regardless of the employee's country of origin.
It enables the firm to build a cadre of international executives who feel at home working in a number of cultures.
All the approaches can be applied according the nature of the organization.
Ethnocentric applies when you are serving only the citizens of a particular country while Polycentric is better when the host nation only is your customer base.
However, Geocentric is best for companies whose customer base is not restricted.