1) Criterion 2 is met and the company has a policy (obligation) to clean up all contamination and it has a record of honoring the policy.
2) The outflow of resources will be estimated and is probable even though foreign laws does not provide certainty on claiming the clean up but the policy and its upheld honor in some way secures the probability and certainty of cleaning up the environment.
3) In order for the provision to be recognized it must be measured reliable and it is probable therefore its recognition makes statements to be relevant and fairly present useful information.
The estimate will of-course be future estimate therefore the provision is discounted and made present value using time value of money and is recognized as a present value also capitalised to the Asset causing the need for clean up :
Journal entry Dr relevant asset by Present value of Clean up cost Credit Provision for for contamination by present value
then the difference between the present value and future value of the provision is taken as interest over the useful years of the relevant asset and is capitalized to the provision for clean up cost.
Journal entry
Dr Finance cost Credit Provision for clean up
The Provision is a liability goes into balance sheet non current liability
finance costs goes to income statement
Step-by-step explanation: