The size of the array shoeSize? double [] shoeSize = {8.5, 7, 12.5, 9.5, 9, 11.5, 6} is 6
Step-by-step explanation:
- Arrays are zero-based : the seven elements of a 7-element array are numbered from 0 to 6. Hence, the size of the array is 6.
- An array is collection of items stored at memory locations. The main aim of an array is to store multiple items of same type together.
- An array is a collection of one or more values of the same type. Each value is called an element of the array.
- The location of an item in an array is known as array indexing.
- The first array index is 0 or 1 and indexes continue through the natural numbers.
- The upper bound of an array is generally language and possibly system specific.
- An array type is a data type that represents a collection of elements each selected by one or more identifying keys that can be computed at run time during program execution.