unit of account
store of value
medium of exchange, unit of account, store of value
it does not consume after a single-use it last through time
portability: it can be carry over at small cost it do not has to be carry in greater bulks
divisibility: it can be split into pieces (half a pound, quarter etc)
uniformity: means a pound of gold has not diffenciation of other pounds of gold
limited supply: it cannot be abundant as people would not accept as a medium of exchange as it can be obtained easily
acceptability: people trade real good and services for money as they recognize value on them
commodity money will be salt, gold, silver, tabacco whihc, historically has been used as money
representative money: the money represent or it is backed-up with a commodity or precious metal (US dollar before 1972)
fiat money will be papper money as it doesn't have an intrinsic value It comes from trust in the government that issues the money.
continentals is the papper money issued by the congress during the war for independence
Types of commodity money: gold, silver, tabacco, salt
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