Answer: God created man and woman so that they can both control the earth and reproduce.
Step-by-step explanation:
what motivates him to create more specifically to create Adam?
After God finished creating the world, he decided it was time to create someone to have control of all things on earth and that's why he created man. He created it in his image and likeness not in the physical sense but on a spiritual level and in the way in which man should act while on earth. Man would have the purpose of controlling everything.
why create eve?
God created Eve because he saw that the man was alone and that it was not good, so he decided to keep Adam company, someone who would be there for him and who would help him in what was commanded by God. Eva was created from the rib of man.
what her role?
The role of Eve becomes that which is mentioned in the Bible and is that of the ideal help. The man is the one in control, the head of the home. The woman is that support, the motivating force to help the man to achieve the goals. The woman obeys the man and gives support.