Staphylococcus is a gram negative bacteria that belongs under family Staphylococcaceae.The name is given as their body shape is spherical(Cocci).
Step-by-step explanation:
The important characters of Staphylococcus are-
- Staphylococcus are facultative anaerobic organism.
- They are spherical in shape.
- As they are gram positive bacteria, thus the cell wall is prominant and easily stained with crystal violet and they are grown in bile salts.
- They are capable of producing coagulase enzyme that cause blood clot.
- These bacteria divides along two axes and thus form clump of bacteria.
Difference between S. aureus and S.epidermis-
- S. aureus is round in shape where as S.epidermis is spherical in shape.
- S. aureus is a opportunistic pathogen that cause different diseases like skin infection where as S.epidermis is non pathogenic bacteria.
- S. epidermis form white raised cohesive colony with 1-2 mm in diameter whereas, S.aureus form golden yellow color colony.
- S.aureus causes hemolysis when it is grown in agar plate whereas S.epidermis is not hemolyse in blood agar plate.