Carefully read the Evaluation of Arguments" section of the instructions before answering questions
Is the Argument Strong or Weak?
Question: Would a strong labor party promote the general welfare of the people in the United States?
Argument: No; a strong labor party would make it unattractive for private investors to risk their money in business ventures, thus causing sustained large-scle unemployment.
Question: Would a strong labor party promote the general welfare of the people in the United States?
Argument: Yes; differences between Republicans and Democrats today are not as great as the differences between liberals and conservatives within those parties.
Question: Would a strong labor party promote the general welfare of the people in the United States?
Argument: No; labor unions have called strikes in a number of important industries.
Question: Should groups in this country who are opposed to some of our government’s policies be permitted unrestricted freedom of press and speech?
Argument: Yes; a democratic state thrives on free and unrestricted discussion, including criticism.