#definition of "median" function
def median(list):
#checking median condition to make sure the list returns zero if empty
if len(list) == 0:
return 0
#sort the list
#find middle element
mid = len(list) / 2
#check the condition
if len(list) % 2 == 1:
return list[mid]
return (list[mid] + list[mid - 1]) / 2
#definition of "mean" function
def mean(list):
#checking mean condition to make sure the list returns zero if empty
if len(list) == 0:
return 0
#sort the list
#set the value
total = 0
#initiate a for loop
for num in list:
#then we calculate the total
total += num
#return the value
return total/ len(list)
#definition of "mode" function
def mode(list):
#checking mode condition to make sure the list returns zero if empty
if len(list) == 0:
return 0
#declare the variable
num_Dictionary = {}
#check the condition
for digit in list:
num = num_Dictionary.get(digit, None)
if num == None:
num_Dictionary[digit] = 1
num_Dictionary[digit] = num + 1
#getting the maximum value
max_Value = max(num_Dictionary.values())
mode_List = []
for k in num_Dictionary:
if num_Dictionary[k] == max_Value:
return mode_List
#definition of main function
def main():
#set the list
num_list = [7, 4, 8, 10, 9]
#call the "mean" function with a parameter
print ("Mean of the given list: ", mean(num_list))
#call the "mode" function with a parameter
print ("Mode of the given list:", mode(num_list))
#call the "median" function with a parameter
print ("Median of the given list:", median(num_list))
Step-by-step explanation:
Python 3 was used for the above code.
Each function in the above code is defined starting with the keyword def, the name of the function (mean, median, mode, main) and a pair of parentheses containing the parameter.
The various defined functions in the module are saved as in the text editor.