The preparation of new production budget for the first quarter is shown below:-
Jan Feb March Quarter
Budgeted Sales Units 25,000 40,000 30,400 95,400
Add: Expected Ending
Finished inventory 10,000 7,600 3,138 3,138
Total of Needs 35,000 47,600 33,538 98,538
Less: beginning
inventory (2,880) (10,000) (7,600) (2,880)
Production Budgeted 32,120 37,600 25,938 95,658
Working Note : Desired Ending Finished inventory
For Jan (40,000 × 25%) = 10,000
For Feb (30,400 × 25%) = 7,600
For March (2,510 ÷ 20%) × 25% = 3,138