0 votes
For this computer assignment, you are to write and implement a C++ program to simulate and solve the Josephus problem. The input to the program is the number M and a list of N names, which is clockwise ordering of the circle, beginning with the person from whom the count is to start. After each removal, the program should print the names of all people in the circle until only one person remains.

1 Answer

3 votes




#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

//#include "/home/cs340/progs/16f/p5/prog5.h"

#include "prog5.h"

using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::cin;

using std::advance;

const int TAGS_LINE = 12;

int main() {

in_args josephusStruct; //creates a struct to hold values for Josephus Problem

vector<string> josephusVec; //creates a vector to hold the names for Josephus Problem

unsigned cnt = 1; //count of number of passes

cout << "\\Number of soldiers? 41"; //Sets values to corresponding members of the struct

josephusStruct.N = 41;

cout << "\\Index for emlination? 3";

josephusStruct.M = 3;

cout << "\\Index for printing? 7 \\";

josephusStruct.K = 7;

init_vals(josephusVec, josephusStruct); //calles function to fill up vector

print_vector(josephusVec, cnt); //prints the intital vector with all names before elimation begins

josephusStruct.M -= 1; //adjusts elimation index

auto indexIt = josephusStruct.M % josephusVec.size(); //iterator to be used for index elimation

while(josephusVec.size() >1) josephusVec.size() == 1) //prints out vector with the header every Kth time

print_vector(josephusVec, cnt);

cnt++; //increment number of passes

cout << endl;

return 0;


void init_vals(vector<string>& vec, in_args& in) {


generate(vec.begin(), vec.end(), SEQ(in.N));


void print_vector(const vector<string>& vec, const unsigned& cnt) {

vector<string>::const_iterator vecIt; //iterator to print items in vector

int itemCnt = 0; //count for items per line

if(cnt < 2) { //prints out the intial group header

cout << "\\ Initial group of soldiers \\"

<< "-------------------------" << endl;


else { //prints out after elimation group header

cout <<"\\ After emliminating the " << cnt << "th soldier" << endl

<< "------------------------------------" << endl;


for(vecIt = vec.begin(); vecIt != vec.end(); vecIt++) { //for loop to iterate thrpugh items in vector and print them

if(itemCnt % TAGS_LINE == 0 && itemCnt != 0) //prints a new line once desiered number of items per line is reached

cout << endl;

cout << *vecIt << " ";



cout << endl;





#ifndef H_PROG5

#define H_PROG5

#include <algorithm>

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

#define NO_LETS 26 // no of letters in English alphabet

#define NO_ITEMS 12 // no of items printed on single line

// struct for input arguments

struct in_args {

unsigned N, // total no of soldiers

M, // count to eliminate soldier

K; // frequency of printouts


// class to generate name tags for soldiers

class SEQ {


string id; // name tag for soldier

unsigned size, nd; // no of soldiers, no of digits in name tags

// returns no of digits in name tags

unsigned find_nd ( const double& sz ) {

if ( ( sz / NO_LETS ) <= 1 ) return 2;

else return ( find_nd ( sz / NO_LETS ) + 1 );



// constructor for name-tag generator

SEQ ( const unsigned& s = 1 ) : size ( s ) {

double sz = ( double ) size / 9; nd = find_nd ( sz );

id = string ( nd, 'A' ); id [ nd - 1 ] = '1';


// returns next name tag in sequence

string operator ( ) ( ) {

string tmp = id; int i = nd - 1;

if ( id [ i ] < '9' ) id [ i ]++;

else {

id [ i ] = '1'; bool flag = true;

for ( i--; i >= 0 && flag; i-- )

if ( id [ i ] < 'Z' ) { id [ i ]++; flag = false; }

else id [ i ] = 'A';


return tmp;



// reads and initializes all input arguments

//void init_vals ( vector <string>&, unsigned&, unsigned&, unsigned& );

void init_vals ( vector <string>&, in_args& );

// prints all name tags for remaining soldiers after elimination

void print_vector ( const vector <string>&, const unsigned& );


User HuangJie
7.0k points