4 votes
Programming Assignment 2 Decimal and IEEE-754 ConversionsObjective: To write a C program (not C++) that converts numbers between Decimal and IEEE-754 format and vice versa.Inputs: • Number in Decimal format (including special case of 0) • Number in IEEE-754 format (including special cases)Output: • Equivalent number in IEEE-754 format • Equivalent number in DecimalSpecification:The program converts a number based on choosing from a menu of choices, where each choice calls the appropriate procedure, where the choices are:1) Decimal to IEEE-754 conversion 2) IEEE-754 to Decimal conversion 3) Quit programSpecial Cases The program must also check for these special IEEE cases: • + 0 • -0 • + infinity • - Infinity • NaNSample test runThis sample run contains all possible cases that will be tested, either individually, in their own Test Bench, or combined in a single Test Bench.Test Inputs These are the input test values. They do not appear on the output of the run.1 2.5 2 40200000 1 0 2 -126 2 FFFFFFFF 3Test OutputFloating-point conversion:1) Decimal to IEEE-754 conversion 2) IEEE-754 to Decimal conversion 3) ExitEnter selection:Enter the decimal representation:*** Sign: 0 *** Biased exponent: 10000000 *** Mantissa: 01000000000000000000000 *** IEEE HEX: 40200000Floating-point conversion:1) Decimal to IEEE-754 conversion 2) IEEE-754 to Decimal conversion 3) ExitEnter selection:Enter the IEEE-754 representation:*** Sign: + *** Unbiased exponent: 1 *** Normalized decimal: 1.250000 *** Decimal: 2.500000Floating-point conversion: -1) Decimal to IEEE-754 conversion 2) IEEE-754 to Decimal conversion 3) ExitEnter selection:Enter the decimal representation:*** Sign: 0 *** Biased exponent: 00000000 *** Mantissa: 00000000000000000000000***The IEEE-754 representation is: 0.000000Floating-point conversion:1) Decimal to IEEE-754 conversion 2) IEEE-754 to Decimal conversion 3) ExitEnter selection:Enter the IEEE-754 representation:*** Sign: - *** Special case: NaNFloating-point conversion:1) Decimal to IEEE-754 conversion 2) IEEE-754 to Decimal conversion 3) ExitEnter selection:Enter the IEEE-754 representation:*** Sign: - *** Special case: NaNFloating-point conversion:1) Decimal to IEEE-754 conversion 2) IEEE-754 to Decimal conversion 3) ExitEnter selection:*** Program Terminated Normally"Assignment 2 Skeleton"#include #include /*************************/void "OPTION #1"(){ /* declare local variables */ /* prompt for floating point decimal number */ /* Check for 0--if so, print result */ /* Print sign: if number>0, sign is 0, else 1 */ /* take absolute value of number before generating significand */ /* Normalize number: while number >2, divide by 2, increment exponent while number <1, multiply by 2, decrement exponent */ /* Bias exponent by 127 and print each bit in binary with 8-iteration for-loop*/ /* Hide 1 and print significand in binary with 23-iteration for-loop*/ /* Print IEEE-754 representation */return;}/***********************************************************************/void "OPTION #2"(){/* declare local variables *//* prompt for IEEE-754 representation */ /* check for special cases: 0, -0, +infinity, -infinity, NaN, if so, print and return */ /* Mask sign from number: if sign=0, print "+", else print "-" */ /* Mask biased exponent and significand from number */ /* If biased exponent=0, number is denormalized with unbiased exponent of -126, print denormalized number as fraction * 2^(-126), return */ /* Unbias exponent by subtracting 127 and print */ /* Add hidden 1 and print normalized decimal number */ /* Print decimal number */ return;}int main(){/* declare local variables *//* until user chooses to quit, prompt for choice and select appropriate function */return 0;}

User Sosborn
7.0k points

1 Answer

5 votes


// Program is written in C Programming Language

// Comments are used for explanatory purpose

// Program starts here



//Function to Convert to float

void To float(int num, int I)


//Create a kount variable

int kount;

// Start an iteration

for(kount=i-1; kount>0; kount--)


if((num>>kount) && 1) {printf("1");}

else { printf("0"); }



// Create a user defined variable

typedef union {// Definition

float Number;



// Mantissa

unsigned int mant : 23;

// Exponent

unsigned int exp : 8;

// Sign

unsigned int sign: 1;

} raw;

} myfloat; // Variable name

// Create print segment

void printsegment(myfloat var)


To float(var.raw.mant,8); // Mantissa


// Function to Convert to Real

unsigned int ToReal(int* dig[], int l, int h)


unsigned int f = 0, I;

Start an iteration

for(I = h; I>=l;I--)


// Calculate individual value

f = f + dig[I] * pow(2,h-1);


return f;


// Main method start here

int main()


printf("Floating Point Conversion\\");

printf("Select any of the following options\\");

printf("1. Decimal to IEEE754 Conversion\\");

printf("2. IEEE754 to Decimal Conversion\\");

printf("3. Quit");

// Declare integer variable for option

int opt;

// Prompt to select option

printf("Select an option; Option 1 to 3: ");

scanf("%d", $opt);

if(opt == 1)


printf("You have selected option 1");

// Declare a user defined variable and a system defined variable

myfloat var; float number;

// Accept input

scanf("%d", number);

// Check for special cases

if(isnan(number/0.0))// Not a number


printf("Not a Number");



", var.raw.sign);

// Print Exponent



}// End of option 1;

// Beginning of option 2

else if(opt == 2)


printf("You have selected option 2");

// Declare an array and two integer variables

unsigned int number[32];

int ctrlno, I = 0;

// Accept input by through an iteration

for(int k = 0; k < 32; k++)


// Create a label

label: scanf("%d", ctrlno);

// Check for special cases

if(isnan(ctrlno/0.0))// Not a number


printf("Not a Number"); I++;



else if(ctrlno>1 || ctrlno < 0)


printf("Invalid Number\\ Please enter a valid digit");

goto label;


else {

// Assign number to array

number[k] = ctrlno;


// Check validity of number

if(I != 0)


printf(" Invalid Number Representation");




// Declare user defined variable

myfloat var;

// Get sign

var.raw.sign = number[0];

// Get mantissa; From to 31

unsigned f = ToReal(number,9,31);

var.raw.mant = f;

// Get exponent; 1 to 8

f = ToReal(number,1,8);

var.raw.exp = f;

// Print Output

printf("The converted digit is ");

printf("%f", var.f);




// Quit Application



return 0;


User Manung
7.0k points