import java.util.Scanner;
public class LabProgram
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;//to read input
int count=0;//to keep track of the count of numbers entered
int max=0;//to store the maximum value
int sum=0;//to store the sum of numbers entered
double av=0;//to calculate and store the average
//reading inputs until a negative number is entered
int n = sc.nextInt();//reading input
if(n<0)//if negative number
break;//then stopping loop
count++;//increasing count
if(count==1)//means it is first number
else if(max<n)//if current number is greater than previous max
max=n;//updating max
sum+=n;//adding new number to sum
//finding average
av = (double)sum/count;
//displaying output
System.out.println((int)av+" "+max);//remove type casting (int) here, if you want decimal places also
15 20 0 5 -1
10 20