d) Action
Step-by-step explanation:
The stages of change, which is also referred to as the Transtheoretical Model, was developed by James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente to explain the gradual processes an individual goes through to successfully make a positive and healthy change. These processes involve different stages that an individual must progress through starting from the first stage, which is the Precontemplation stage.
The action stage is the fourth stage as described in the Transtheoretical Model, which involves the deliberate taking of direct action in making a change in behavior as new healthy behaviors are acquired in order to achieve the set goal of the individual.
The client has clearly entered the action stage, and suggesting to her to train with me for several sessions so I can teach her things can do on her own, would serve as a reinforcement keeping her committed in the process at the fourth stage. This would make her not to easily back down on her goal.