#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// Definitions
double annualInterest; // The annual interest rate
double balance; // The account balance
int months; // Total number of months
double totalDeposit = 0.0; // Total deposited value
double totalWithdraw = 0.0; // Total withdrawn value
double earnedInterest= 0.0; // The earned amount
double deposited; // Monthly deposited value
double withdrawn; // Monthly withdrawn value
// Get the initial required data.
cout<<"Please enter the annual interest rate,\\";
cout<<" Interest rate: ";
cin >>annualInterest;
cout<<"Please enter the starting balance,\\";
cout<<"[the number could not be negative]\\";
cout<<"Starting Balance: ";
cin >>balance;
cout<<"Please enter the number of months,\\";
cout<<"[the number could not be less than 0]\\";
cout<<"Number of months: ";
cin >>months;
// Iterated Loop to get all the months data.
for(int month=1; month <= months; month++){
// Get the deposited value during that month.
cout<<"Enter the deposited value during month "
cout<<"[the value could not be less than 0]\\";
cout<<" Deposited value: ";
cin >>deposited;
totalDeposit += deposited;
balance += deposited;
// Get the withdrawn value during that month.
cout<<"Enter the withdrawn value during month "
cout<<"[the value could not be less than 0]\\";
cout<<" Withdrawn value: ";
cin >>withdrawn;
totalWithdraw += withdrawn;
balance -= withdrawn;
// Negative balance close the program.
if(balance < 0){
cout<<"Sorry, the account has been closed due to\\";
cout<<"the negative balance.\\";
// Calculate value due to the interest rate.
else {
earnedInterest += (annualInterest/12) * balance;
// monthly interest rate
balance += (annualInterest/12) * balance;
// Display the statistics,
ofstream file; ("Report written to Report.txt");
file << "Report written to Report.txt\\";
cout<<"The ending balance: "<<balance<<std::endl;
cout<<" Total deposited: "<< totalDeposit<<std::endl;
cout<<" Total withdrawals: "<< totalWithdraw<<std::endl;
cout<<" Earned interest: "<< earnedInterest<<std::endl;
return 0;