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America was discovered by the Europeans, after that event several countries of the old continent headed for the new land. The American continent was colonized mainly by Portuguese, English, Spanish, French and Dutch. However, the colonization process took place differently between the countries of the continent.
On the other hand, the countries that are part of Anglo-Saxon America had a settlement colonization. This means that the metropolis' interest was to populate and develop the place. In this type of colonization, the intention was not linked to the exploitation of wealth in order to send it to the metropolis, but to supply the inhabitants themselves. In short, the wealth produced remained in the country. This characteristic was of fundamental importance for countries like the United States and Canada to become great nations, the first being the greatest world power.
In view of the considerations presented, it is clear that the determining factor for the development or underdevelopment of American countries is linked to historical facts. The form of occupation is the root of the current conditions in the countries of the continent.