Beauty is important, but one shouldn't make it the most important part of their life.
Step-by-step explanation:
They say appearance are often deceptive, and that's pretty much makes sense. But the society in which we live, too much emphasis is put on beauty and on being beautiful. Thanks to marketing and advertising industries who make us believe that a person's natural beauty do not play an important role, and this is where make up comes to picture.
Makeup are simply the cosmetics which when applied makes a person look more beautiful.
According to a survey conducted, women wear makeup to look confident, to enhance their looks, to attract a partner, and mostly importantly, they wear it for themselves. A study conducted at Bangor and Aberdeen universities found out that both the gender (men and women) thought that women are most attractive when they apply some makeup, but not too much of it.
When it comes to gender in makeup, women aren't really the one who feel the need to impress. Millennial is a generation where even men experience the same feeling to impress the opposite gender and people around them.
With all being said, one needs to remember that beauty and looks are temporary, but a person's nature is something with which we have to live with.