Answer: They talked and exchanged letters FOR months with the help of their computers and they found themselves falling head OVER heels in love. As time went by, they decided TO meet in person, not only the virtual world. The meeting was not easy to arrange as the young people were separated ACROSS a very real ocean, but they managed to set a time and a place and have been living together happily THERE since.
Agnes was hoping TO FIND a similar romance when she met her love on the Internet. The young woman felt she HAD finally found her knight in shining armor as their personalities and interests WERE so similar and even their goals seemed to match well. She was not disappointed WITH his physical appearance - the man was elegantly dressed - BUT when he actually spoke, that was a different story. The evening was a nightmare as Mr. Charming turned INTO Mr. Hyde and treated everyone, HORRIBLY. When she attempted to speak up and try to find out what was going on, he only pushed her away and she stumbled INTO the wall. What could she have said ABOUT the man she knew only as FulfillYourDreams through electronic contact, and who had supposedly just arrived from San Francisco? More then likely, FulfillYourDreams continues to creep around cyberspace looking FOR new victims, possibly FOR a new nickname.
Throughout history men and women have used a variety OF means to find each other. Internet romance, according to some, is a bizarre method to meet potential partners, while to others it it AS 'natural' as the Garden of Eden.
There are characteristic steps to FIND in romances formed on the internet/ "Love at first byte" is rare, although there are instances. Whatever happens, you know that love has arrives when you reach TO the mouse with butterflies in your stomach.
Whether in real life or in cyberspace, THERE is real pain and disappointment that accompanies love. Many choose this anonymous way OF meeting electronically hoping that the distance will protect them FROM the usual pains of a relationship. BUT , this is not true. Those who don't observe the rules and aren't careful may GET hurt.
Words that communicate feelings have an enormous IMPACT. In essence the PATTERN of events in reversed - BECAUSE we show our inner beauty, and only after it has been accepted does the in-person-meeting reveal the physical vessel of the personality.