2 votes
Write a 5-10 paragraph essay about gender pronouns and different sexualities. Must include cons, pros, and purpose. Each paragraph must be at least 4 sentences. Include facts and opinions.

User Ashfame
6.7k points

1 Answer

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What is a gender pronoun you may ask well, in this essay I am going to explain to you what they are and a basic description of the most common physical attraction types. These include straight, les, gay, and bi. In my opinion as the introduction to this essay there are no pro's or con's to a specific physical attraction because in the end its all just based off of who you love. let us begin.

For starters a gender pronoun can be subjective, objective, possessive, or reflexive. I will give you examples for female gender pronouns. An example of a subjective pronoun would be "she" used in a sentence like "She is buying a book.". An example of a objective pronoun would be "Her" and you can use this in a sentence such as "We were talking about her." Next is a possessive pronoun such as "Hers" notice the difference between this and a objective pronoun is that it is plural and when used in a sentence it always represents something possessive such as "The money is hers.". Last of all will be a reflective pronoun and an example of this is "Herself" as in "She likes it better by herself.".

Next I will start with the physical attraction known as "straight". This involves the physical attraction between a male and female. This is the most common and practiced form of attraction. The two genders are of opposite gender in order for it to be considered "straight" . In my opinion unlike the terms "Gay" or "les" the attraction type "straight" makes no sense. I believe it is better off referred to as "Hetero" so that way when you use the term "straight" it sounds a lot less like giving directions to a lost tourist.

Next I will move on to the next attraction type know as "Gay". This (not to be confused with lesbian for some people) is the attraction between two people of the same MALE gender. Just like In a hetero relationship this is a common attraction but due to discrimination it is often hidden due to the fear of social outcasting. Sometimes it makes you wonder if our most common "hetero" is enforced by nothing more than peer pressure. Fear of "Coming out the closet" as most people like to say has very good reason to be feared because of horrible bullying for nothing more than admitting you love something different than anyone else and as ridiculous as it is many have been herd to commit self inflicted harm due to bullying.

Next I will mention the "les" form of attraction. This is the physical attraction between two people of the same FEMALE gender. Just like being gay many fear social outcasting and in my opinion THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE! These people are no different than us but yet fear being rejected for what, oh nothing besides they don't love the same gender as someone else. A les attraction can be cause to many things such as something as simple as what we would call a "Type" or something traumatizing such as the fear of boys from something like "attacks".

Last of all I will bring up "bi" attraction, this is the physical attraction between two specific different genders known as MALE and FEMALE. This is not to be confused with something such as "pan". I have many friends who are bi and even have a mother who herself is bi. One of my friends (Who's name I will not mention for obvious reasons) use to be "les" a couple years back and is slowly dating more guys. When she was seven her dad attacked her and beat her mother, between the ages of nine and eleven she was constantly attacked by her cousin, and when she was twelve she got attacked by her boyfriend who was 16. Over time she was so scared of guys that she started looking for love in girls and she became a les. My point with this is that many of us go around and we just judge someone because of what they love and yet we have no clue what they have been through.

In conclusion There are no pro's and con's to your type but just the world. We judge people for stuff that is no better than when we judged people based off their skin color. In my opinion your type is free for you to chose or even experiment but the main reason why people don't is fear of being bullied. WE may not realize it but when you look around you these children of our generations are being taught that they cant love some one of the same gender. And when your taught something LITERLY you are scared to go against others opinions so the reason many of us are straight could well as much be because of peer pressure. So when that one kid steps out, when they admit they love another boy or girl, what do we do? We push them down and we judge them back into their shells all in the hate of another love.

User Reckoner
6.6k points