import pandas as pd #importing pandas library as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #importing matplotlib.pyplot as plt
pop=pd.read_csv('nycHistPop.csv') #reading the csv file
borough=input('Enter borough name:') #asking the user for borough namme
# image=input('Enter image name:')
# pop['Fraction']=pop[borough]/pop['Total']
# pop.plot(x='Year', y='Fraction')
print("Minimum population",pop[borough].min()) #printing the minimum population of borough
print("Maximum population",pop[borough].max()) #printing the maximum population of borough
print("Average population",pop[borough].mean()) #printing the average population of borough
print("Standard deviation",pop[borough].std()) #printing the standard deviation of borough
# fig=plt.gcf()
# fig.savefig(image)
Step-by-step explanation: