e) more than one answer is correct:
Step-by-step explanation:
Pluripotent cell are group of cells which can replicate to all embryonic cells that will later develop to adults.Thus they are refereed to as embryonic stem stem.
In the bone marrow pluripotent stems cells produces (progenitor)original cells from which myeloid and lymphoid originated from.These are the two lineages of Pluoripotent stem cells in human.
.Myeloid cells in the bone marrow give rise to erythrocytes and megakaryocytes.
The lymphoid cells gives the T&B-lymphocytes, ( the B-cells produce plasma cells which produces antibodies)and natural killer cells. These are all types of Leukocytes.(WBC).
The erythrocytes produced in the bone marrow constantly secret hemoglobin.its life-span is average of days-120 days, not in years, since they lack nucleus.
Thus options A- which states RBC is from the same pluoripotent cells with the WBC, and option D- that RBC secrets haemoglobin are both correct, thus E is the right answer.