In a Heckscher-Ohlin context, other things equal, growth of the relatively-abundant factor of production in a country that is a "large" country will lead to greater willingness to trade and to Improve in the country’s terms of trade.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Heckscher-Ohlin context proposes that countries export what they can most efficiently and plentifully produce in order to foster increase in exports
It involves reaching a mutual understanding that emphasizes the export of goods requiring factors of production that a country has in abundance
There are two factors – capital and labor shared according to the one each country has in abundance. If Countries have similar production technology, they will share same.
The Heckscher-Ohlin theorem predicts the pattern of trade: it says that a capital-abundant (labor-abundant) country will export the capital-intensive (labor-intensive) good and import the labor-intensive (capital-intensive) good.