1. xanthine oxidoreductase (XO)
2. aldehyde oxidase (AO)
3. mitochondrial amidoxime-reducing enzymes (MARC1)
4. Sulfite oxidase molybdenum enzyme
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Xanthine oxidoreductase (XO): it helps in converting hypoxanthine and xantine to uric acids and it plays a vital role in stress control.
2. Aldehyde oxidase (AO): this is an enzyme that helps in conversion of adehlydes to carboxylice acids and aids in drug metabolism.
3. Mitochondrial amidoxime-reducing enzymes (MARC1): these are enzymes that help in metabolizing N-hydroxylated compounds so it also has a key role in drug metabolism like Aldehyde oxidase
4.Sulfite oxidase molybdenum enzyme: it helps in the reduction of disulfide bonds in the body which leads to the breakdown of my enzymes in the body.