Answer is given below.
Number of people, n = 400
Number of people who agree with the statement is 112.
Number of people who disagree with the statement is 288
Using Stat Key, follow the steps below to obtain the 95% confidence interval for the
proportion of the population to agree with the statement.
1) Open
2) Click on CI for single proportion.
3) Click Edit data key.
4) Enter 112 in count text box.
5) Enter 400 in Sample size text box.
6) Click two-tail.
7) Click Generate 1000 samples key.
Output: (See Image).
Original Sample
Count SampleSize Proportion
112 400 0.280
Bootstrap Sample
Count SampleSize Proportion
128 400 0.320
From the above dot plot , it can be observed that the standard error shows top right corner.
Thus the standard error is 0.022.
From the output, the 95% confidence interval is 0.2371 to 0.325