Deeply frozen Earth - Permafrost
Permafrost is the area of the Earth where the soil is frozen all-year round. The soil is not necessarily covered in ice or snow, but frozen a few centimeters underground. Most of the permafrost in the world is located in Canada, and In Siberia.
Ocean regions near the equator - Doldrums
The doldrums are the ocean areas that surround the Equator. They are characterized by mild wind patterns, and hot sea surface temperatures.
The point above which trees do not grow - Tree line
The treeline is the limit from which trees cannot grow beyond, due to a climate that is too cold, or too dry. It is found at high latitudes, and also at high altitudes.
Mediterranean climate - wet winter, dry summers
The mediterranean climate is characterized by dry, hot summers, and wet, mild or cool summers. It is found along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, in California, in Central Chile, in South Africa, and in some parts of Australia.
Gobi - A large desert area in Asia
The Gobi is a vast, cold desert located in Central Asia, in Southern Mongolia, and Northern China.
A vast, semiarid area - Steppe
Steppes are vast, flat, and dry areas, that experience extreme continental climates. Some of the largest steppes in the world are the plains in the Midwestern United States, and the steppes in Central Asia and Russia.
Center is a large desert area - Australia
Around 35% of Australia is a desert, mostly located in the central part of the continent.