Rome's Location
The Romans made their home on the Italian Peninsula. This long, thin peninsula juts out from central Europe into the Mediterranean Sea. On a map, Italy looks like a high-heeled boot. The boot's heel points to Greece. The toe points to the island of Sicily (SIH• suh• lee). The Alps are like shoelaces that are strung across the top of the boot. These rugged mountains separate Italy from northern Europe. Another mountain range in Italy is the Apennines (A• puh• NYNZ). These mountains extend from north to south. Volcanoes dot southern Italy’s landscape. Italy has long been affected by volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
Has a sunny, mild climate and fertile farmland.
Physical Features:
Physical features influenced Rome's development. Rome was founded about 15 miles (24 km) up the Tiber (TY• buhr) River from the Mediterranean Sea. People used the river to move goods easily between northern and southern Italy. Merchants could also ship their goods out to the Mediterranean Sea using the river. In addition, Rome was far enough up the Tiber River to escape raids by sea-going pirates. Rome's location across seven steep hills made it easy to defend against enemy attacks.
Hope this helps!!! :)
Kiwi Panda