1. The worldwide depression led to the rise of Hitler because the people were living in terrible condition and he presented himself as a savior.
Step-by-step explanation:
In the years before the World War II the world was facing an economic depression. Some countries were more affected by others. Germany was among the worst hit countries in the world. This was due to the restrictions the country had, had to pay for the damages done in the previous war, and in general its industry was badly damaged.
Hitler used this situation. He started to promote himself as a savior of the nation. Hitler was promising to the people that he will make Germany a great country with strong economy, powerful military, and well respected in the world. The people didn't really had any other option and they gave Hitler a chance which turned out to be a very bad decision.
2. Stalin was able to rapidly industrialize the Soviet Union because of the enormous amounts of natural resources at disposal as well as because of it import of high profile scientists.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Soviet Union was not a developed country by any means and the only reason as to why it was considered a powerful country was the large military and the advantage it had because of its climate and location. This started to change rapidly after the World War II and the reason for that was that the Soviet Union started to heavily exploit its resources and because it took lot of high profile scientists from Germany in order to help its progress.
The combination of high profile scientists and huge reserves of natural resources resulted in rapid industrial development. New factories were popping out constantly, the production was going up, and there were new innovations regularly. Because of this the Soviets managed to have fast rising economy, strong industry, and state of the art technology, especially military one.
3. Mussolini used the nationalism in order to convince the Italians that he will make Italy great and that he will revive the Roman Empire.
Step-by-step explanation:
Mussolini was the leader of Italy before and during the World War II. His reputation was pretty much the same that Hitler had an it is no wonder since they used the same or similar methods to get to power and how they used it afterwards. While Mussolini didn't had as much power as Hitler he did managed to create enough mess and terrorize the people so that there is lasting effect.
Ironically, Mussolini was a communist initially, the opposite of fascism. Gradually, because of political interest he changed into fascist and continued like that. He used the ultra nationalism to convince the people to get him elected. The promises were that Italy will become what the Roman Empire once was, that the country will become and economic and military powerhouse, so the people being in terrible condition looked for someone to save them from it, so they elected him but soon regretted it.
4. France and Britain were initially slow to react but once they saw that Germany doesn't plan on stopping they declared war to it.
Step-by-step explanation:
Germany's policy initially was to gain control of the territories that it considered to be historically inhabited by Germans. This meant that part of Czechoslovakia was targeted to be annexed. In order to avoid tensions, France and Britain let the Germans have it their way thinking that that will satisfy their territorial ambitions.
It turned out that they were wrong. Germany considered Austria, France, and Benelux as German historical territories too, and also wanted to push away the Polish eastward so that it opens up space for the rising German population. Once France and Britain saw what Germany is starting to do they immediately declared war to it. The result of that unfortunately was the World War II.
5. The women in America gained more rights and job opportunities during the World War II.
Step-by-step explanation:
Once the United States decided to engage into the war, the situation sharply changed in the country. Millions of men got involved in the army leaving millions of empty places in the labor force. In order to have the economy running and not crumbling the government started to promote women's rights and enabling them much bigger freedom when it came to making their own choices.
This resulted in skyrocketing of the number of women in the labor force of the country. Millions of women got jobs in pretty much every economic sector. The women managed to gain knowledge and experience though this and having the doors open now they used the opportunity to progress once the war ended. Another positive impact for the women was that by earning theoir own money they became much more independent instead of being heavily dependent by their spouses.