B) target markets
Step-by-step explanation:
I'm not sure if you remember the Pepsi challenge where allegedly "ordinary" people were blindfolded and they were given both Pepsi and Coke and they had to choose their favorite. That challenge started in 1975, and the results were supposedly favorable towards Pepsi. Theoretically way over 50% of the people liked Pepsi more than Coke. But if this is true why do Coke sales keep increasing while Pepsi sales keep diving?
At the beginning, the challenge had a significant impact in increasing Pepsi sales, but after a short time things were back as usual. For example, the latest update on Coke v. Pepsi sales are Coke sales increasing world wide from 17.3% to 17.8% of the total soda world market, while Pepsi's market share continues to fall from 10.3% to 8.4%. This represents 2018 sales, there are no new updates yet for 2019.
Back to the question. If better flavor was Pepsi's core competency over Coke, why aren't they number 1? Pepsi is always a few cents cheaper than Coke, so the price is not an issue for them. The answer is simple, either customers refused to agree with their core competency or the core competency never existed. Anyway, at least in western countries, the market is king, and a tyrant also. A company cannot impose a core competency, the market decides who has it or not. Pepsi is not even number 2 in the US, Diet Coke is number 2 (Coke is number 1).