Step-by-step explanation:
In the sum of death taxes and funeral and related costs, a refund in compliance with § 303 applies at $6 million. That part of the refund resulted in no profits or damages to the company, which is the basis for shares redempted under § 303 of the Act of $6 million (stufted-up).
Within the terms of Section 302 for the selling or swap service, the balance of the allocation ($1 million) must be checked. For the purposes of Section 302, there shall be rules of assignment of the stock under Section 318, and shares owned by Denise, the sole beneficiary of the estate, shall be considered to have belonged to that estate.
The estate then has 100% of the shares in Orange which remain after the redemption (directly and indirectly) and no provisions under § 302 are complied with. Consequently, $1 million is known as a dividend payout. The property's basis of the shares not available for sale or exchange (USD 1 million stepped-up) is focused on Denise's shares of Orange Corporation