Following words will be filled in the blanks in the given sequence -
- Uterus
- Proliferates
- Proliferation
- Ovary
- Fallopian tube
- Cervix
- Vagina
Step-by-step explanation:
Uterus is the pear-shaped organ in our body that has capability to accommodate pregnancy. After fertilization the fertilized ovum moves to uterus and gets implanted in the endometrial wall i.e. inner wall of the uterus.
In simple terms Proliferation means the the preparation of uterus for accommodating pregnancy by implantation of fertilized ovum.
Ovary is the primary reproductive organ of female and eggs or ova are produced by it.
Fallopian tube is a tube like structure that lies between uterus and ovary. It provides passage for the eggs to reach to the uterus and also provides a site for the fertilization.
Cervix is lower part of the uterus which is also called Neck of the Uterus.