If Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had spoken with poor diction, his "I Have a Dream" speech would certainly have not been as effective.
Step-by-step explanation:
Let's take a look at what each word means:
A. cacophony - an unpleasant mixture of sounds.
B. patricide - killing one's father
C. posterity - descendants, successors.
D. diction - the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing; the style of enunciation in speaking or singing.
E. fortitude - courage in pain or adversity.
We can choose the word "diction" because it is the one that's most closely related to the topic. When giving a speech, a speaker must worry not only about the topic, but also about the words he will use to convey his ideas. Hi enunciation also makes a difference. Depending on the style the speaker chooses to employ, he will convey different feelings and will obtain varying feedback. If Dr. King had spoken with poor diction - if he had been unsuccessful in expressing himself -, his speech would not have been effective.