Answer given below
Step-by-step explanation:
1. double balance;
2. try{
3. cout<<"Enter the balance :";
4. cin >> balance;
5. cout<<endl;
6. if(balance < 1000.00)
7. throw balance;
8. cout<<"Leaving the try block."<<endl;
9. }
10. catch(double x){
11. cout<<" Current balance : "<<x<<endl<<"Balance must be greater than 1000.00"<<endl;;
12. }
Answer A:
If we consider the above program lines, try block represents from 2 to 9 lines.
Answer B:
If we consider the above program lines, catch block represents from 10 to 12 lines.
Answer C:
catch block parameter is x and its type is double.
Answer D:
If we consider the above program lines, line number 7 indicates throw statement.