To reduce the racial profiling by police towards minorities, I believe all police departments should have policies in place to document each stop police officers conduct on individuals. These documents should consist of the age, race, location, and reason an individual was stopped.
These documents should then be made public and compared/contrasted to the demographics and crime rate by race in their respective areas.
Once the documents are compared, it can be determined if which police departments are statistically disproportionately stopping minorities. Once statistically proven a department is disproportinalely stopping minorities, administrative actions should be taken within the department to change this.
These adminstration actions could be firing officers who are racially profiling individuals based on the documents we implimented, campaigning in minoritiy neighborhoods for more minorities to become police, and prioritize community policing in all neighborhoods, not just white or "good" neighborhoods.
Prioritizing community policing will build the bond of the police and the community memembers. This will build the trust officers have with community members and make them less likely to disspropionatley stop/ shoot minorities.
Step-by-step explanation:
This question is mostly an opinionted question looking for one's personal opinion/ suggestions on how to reduce racail profiling and disproportionate shooting of minorities by the police. I provided my answer/ opinion but you should only use it if you agree with what i said.