To fix your zsnes emulator from lagging use another emulator, like Snes9X or BSnes.
Step-by-step explanation:
- The reason why this lag is here is because of how the backgrounds work.
- First off, the PC, has a variety of stuff running in the background that could soak up CPU time and slow down the emulator just enough to cause the sync issues.
- The PC's running a new version of SNES9x, which is more processor intensive.
- The sync on the monitor versus the TV might be slightly different. NTSC TVs have a refresh rate of 59.94 frames per second, whereas your PC monitor might be exactly 60 frames per second. If the emulator is compensating for the difference, that could cause the difference.
- As for the controller, I would suggest making sure no other programs on your PC have that slight input lag. Some controller drivers have a lot of processing involved in them that can cause that sort of issue, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Xbox simply handles the inputs faster since it's designed as a gaming rig. It's also possible that the newest version of SNES9x is slightly slower on the controller input.