1. (a) the Alfred Thayer Maltan’s Influence of Sea Power Upon History- this gives an importance of a strong navy.
(b) the Crisis of 1890 and the “closure of the frontier”-this implies that in order to justify imperialism, we claimed the west was “full” and therefore closed to further expansion
(c) the frederick Jackson Turner’s Significance of the Frontier in American History-this is an essay on a study of expansion and settlement of a succession of “Wests”
(d)an finally the yellow Journalists- such as William R. Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer pushed agendas for newspaper sales; they were one of the reasons we entered into the Spanish-American War and it led to the death of alot of people.
(a) the Anti-Imperialist League-organized to protest annexation of the Philippine Islands
(b) the Issue of imperialism in the Election of 1900- McKinley and William J. Bryant ran against one another. McKinley was pro-imperialism while Bryant was anti-imperialism.
(a) the treaty of paris ended the Spanish american war, they gained puerto rico, guarm and the philippines.
(b) emilio aguidaldo and the US Philippines war- actually the Philippines wanted to be independent after Spain gave the islands to america, aguidaldo led insurgency group against america for three years.