The bystander-effect
Step-by-step explanation:
The bystander effect can be define as the inability of a person to render assistant to another person who is in an emergency situation because the person felt or think that the people around the person has render assistant to the person or intervene in the situation.
The bystander-effect are common among people, although it sometime done unintentionally because this people wish and desire to render assistant but the numbers of people around the victim often drawn them back from intervening in an emergency situation because they have concluded in their mind that help has reach that person or that the person had been attended to by the poeple that surround him /her. In this case the higher the numbers of people around the victim the less likely will he or she be attended to by someone that has by stander effect personality because the large presence of people has discouraged him/her to quickly intervene or responded to the emergency.
Therefore John reaction is an example of BYSTANDER EFFECT.