Competency Model is an example of the job analysis tool Jamila can use.
Step-by-step explanation:
There are 6 types of Job Analysis tools:
Competency model - this job analysis tool looks into the competencies of employees in terms of knowledge, skills, abilities, behaviors, expertise and performance. It is a collection of competencies that help define successful job performance. This job analysis tool also gathers the basic information regarding job requirement and job designation e.g. training, education, qualification, experience, legal records.
PAQ model : PAQ model is known as Position Analysis Questionnaire and is a well-known and commonly used technique. It is used in analyzing a job by getting questionnaires filled by employees and their bosses. This method involves a series of detailed questioning of the employees to evaluate them on the basis of the questionnaires.
O* Net model : this is know as the Occupational Information Network. It's a tool that helps in listing job related data for various jobs at a time thus saving time. This job analysis tool enables collection of various data of the employee related to the job opening, It helps in collecting and recording basic and initial data including educational requirements, physical requirements and mental and emotional requirements.
Job Scan model : This job analysis tool focuses on the personality dynamics of an individual. However, it does not discuss the individual competencies such as intellect, experience or physical and emotional characteristics required to perform a specific job.
F-JAS model : is known as Fleishman Job Analysis System is a basic and generic approach to discovering common elements in different jobs including verbal abilities, reasoning abilities, idea generation, quantitative abilities, attentiveness, spatial abilities, visual and other sensory abilities, manipulative abilities, reaction time, speed analysis, flexibility, emotional characteristics, physical strength, perceptual abilities, communication skills, memory, endurance, balance, coordination and movement control abilities. It is a worker oriented approach.
FJA model : this is called the Functional Job Analysis tool and technique. It is used in collecting and recording job-related data to a deeper extent. It is also used to develop task-related statements. The technique helps in determining the complexity of duties and responsibilities involved in a specific job.