1. Euglena.
2. Radiolarian.
3. Oomycetes.
4. Paramecium.
,5. Euglena.
6. Amoeba.
7. Green algae.
8. Parabasalids.
9. Coraline algae.
Step-by-step explanation:
Excavates are group of unicellular animal that are eukaryotes. These group of animals are flagellates i.e they have flagella for locomotion. They lack classical Mitochondria.
E.g Euglena.
Rhizarians are group of unicellular eukaryotes organisms,most are non photosynthetic. Many of them produce shells or skeleton. They are amoebiod like with pseudopods. E.g Radiolarian.
Non photosyntheticstramenopiles are group of heterotroph stramenopiles or heterokonts that are unicellular eukaryotes. They have hairy flagella and don't produce their food. E.g oomycetes.
Ciliated protists are free living organisms that move by using cilia, a structure that propel to aid movement. E.g paramecium.
Flagellates protists are organisms that have flagella which is use for propulsion and moving food into the body . E.g Euglena.
Amoebiod protists are group of unicellular organisms that live in fresh and marine water. The have pseudopods for movement and feeding. The engulf with the aid of pseudopods. E.g Amoeba.
Protists that their plasids arose from secondary endosymbiosis i.e eukaryotes engulf another eukaryotes. E.g green Algae.
Protists with no functional mitochondrial include parabasalids but they have hydrogenosome.
Protists that form calcium carbonate cells include Coraline algae.