Don't ask, don't tell! Nothing more than a condemnation to invisibility. It was the policy that was in force in the United States and ended up excluding 14,000 military personnel who assumed their homosexual identity from the army.
With this rule revoked there, it seems that they are trying to impose it here. At least that is what appears from two recent decisions of the STJ that, in a way that is surprising, have just recognized homoaffective unions as mere fact societies. In order to fulfill "its unifying function", the 3rd class collated decisions from the years 1998 and 2006, without taking into account everything that has already been judged after these dates, including by the same Court that, in 2010, granted the partner a death pension. survivor as well as granting adoption to a same-sex couple. Thus nominated judgments can destroy everything that the jurisprudence has been building over a decade, having already surpassed the number of 800 decisions.