Alternative source of energy such as Solar power, nuclear power , hydroelectric power , bio fuels , geothermal power, wind energy etc have potential to provide energy with much lesser pollutant emission , hence improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gas production
Step-by-step explanation:
- One of major environmental issue –Air quality having large dependence on atmospheric emission, especially from burning fossil fuel
- Fossil fuel combustion results numbers of air pollutants, which are harmful to health as well environment. It is one of major reason of global warming.
- SO₂(Sulphur oxide) and NOx (nitrogen oxides) which are byproducts of fossil fuel combustion when emitted into atmosphere causes smog and acid rain
- Alternative source of energy produces less pollutant which help in protecting air quality and water quality. It also causes much less damage to public health, global warming , wildlife loss etc comparative to burning fossil fuels