" Second State may not take Donna's car because it is a consumer good " is correct statement.
Step-by-step explanation:
In the 1980s and 1990s, the savings and loan crisis led to 1,043 defaults in 3,234 savings and loan companies in the United States: the Federal Savings and Loan Program (FSLI).
A lending and saving or "thrift" (a joint enterprise known in the UK by the name of "building society) is a financial institution that takes deposits and gives mortgage, auto and other personal loans to its members.
In 1995 the RTC had estimated 747 failed institutions globally, rated at between $402 and $407 billion in gross book value. In 1996, a maximum of $160 billion, including $132.1 billion collected from taxpayers, was calculated by the General Accounting Office. The S&L issue was overcome by the RTC.